Yesterday we began the Electrical Generation tests. To make them we had to pass Spanish Militar police controls due to the Covid quarantine. it was a very productive day and 6 tests were performed and in the last one, a large capacitor was installed to load and measure the electromagnetic recovery energy of more than 300 volts. We were surprised about so high level values because a 2.2% of the energy was recovered using a small coil. It can be upgraded to recover 5 times more energy and more improvements we hope to recover a lot more Some energy remains in the capacitor after theRead More →

It is really difficult to measure magnetic fields exceeding the kilotesla range and current over 100 kiloamps, so a new current & magnetic sensor array was designed, built and installed, but we had a lot of troubles to set all the sensors to a short distance from the target. Fortunately, a new high-speed scope arrived sorting the blocking of authorities quarantine due to the COVID19 pandemic so with both scopes together we doubled the acquisition capacity. Also, it was installed new devices to test the direct conversion of the energy to electricity, so a large high voltage film capacitor is connected to an electromagnetic energy recoveryRead More →

Tests number S3012-3015 were performed during this week in spite of the coronavirus The new power supply is not enough stable and was retired. The second one does not give enough current and the 3rd blown 3 of the fuses, I have only one and can not buy more because of the quarantine. Also, the main dc/dc suffered a short cut and died but that doesn’t matter because the entire arc-sensor where burn and the 4 expensive calibrated PT100 did not survive, but fortunately, they sent valuable information before dying. The short cut of the DC/DC was provoked because the recovered energy voltage was really veryRead More →

New sensors are installed along a robust arc surrounding the target, the main idea is to measure output electromagnetic and optical/particle radiation energy. In a first test, a high power electromagnetic bilayer plasma expansion was detected. The optical energy output was very low as long as the copper layer covered the arc did not increase its temperature very much. Unfortunately, the power supply suffered a short circuit during installation and the fuse was blown. The new power supply does not work and the third does not give enough current, so the test could not be repeated. In another way, the Miranda reactor structure was finalizedRead More →

During the 5th test campaign, the array of sensors finally survived the huge explosion generating megabits of data. We will have to automate the reading of them. Next week a second data acquisition equipment will allow us to capture data from another 4 sensors at 1 Giga sample/second, and we hope to install new sensors to measure generated power with or without thermonuclear fuel. In addition, we have received inert gas equipment to work with precision binocular to load fuel in the Argon atmosphere. Another inert gas equipment is manufacturing. Additionally, Miranda reactor components and alpha-particle shielding components have been commissioned. I barely have timeRead More →

We call it “the sensor destroyer”, as it destroys all unfortunate sensors that try to survive to its powerful plasma ball. After hard work, it was repaired the Pulsotron-3. Only 2 tests were performed because the sensor optical front-end was removed in the second test and must be repaired. It was not possible to mount the old sensor array because one of the photodiodes was burned, but still, we will try to replace it. We tested the Geiger alpha particle sensor and fortunately the measurement is not affected by the electromagnetic shock. Also, 4 new sensors are building: a new sensor array with an optical frontRead More →

In the 3rd test campaign, it was made two tests, with great success as it was measured the storage of magnetic energy in the target to allow use it to compress the target to make fusion. As can be seen in the attached plot in the yellow line it was measured the capacitor bank voltage drop. It can be seen how its discharge 1/2 of the voltage (about a 75% of the energy) in the target before it begins to emit energy es can be seen in the other channels that represents the light acquired by an array of photodiodes pointing using accurate optics toRead More →

Targets 3001-3003 were tested. The main idea is to check if the plasma ball is contained inside the reaction chamber enough time to make ignition. Also, it was checked two sensors. It was built carefully an array of photodiodes and electrical power of them carefully inserted in optical parts aligned with the plasma ball to measure accurately the expansion of the plasma ball. The whole system was mounted inside a small structure made in a 3-d injection machine. To maintain that instrument close to the plasma ball a structure was mounted, we name it  “diagnostic tower”. Unfortunately, in the first shot, the 3-d injection enclosureRead More →

A new borosilicate body arrived at the laboratory. It was built in a Sevilla specialized company. Actually we are building coils to be attached to the new reactor body. The coils will be connected to the main capacitor bank using some of the most powerful Silicon Carbide SCRs built especially for us in a Chinese companyRead More →