
1.2 Megaamps pulses recovered from plasma

In the last tests, it was measured the charging current in the capacitor knowing the capacitance and the voltage change measured at capacitor terminals. The current is extracted from plasma affected by the ejected particles produced during fusion

The recovered energy beats new record. 1.2MA flowing towards the energy recovery capacitors was measured. The pulse is short, 23 microseconds only, then the capacitor is discharged at 200 kiloamps

Measured current

Also, we have to inform that Pulsotron-4 entering in service is delayed as several components must be replaced, so tests are performed using the damaged Pulsotron-3 reactor. It is expected that the reactor can definitely break down at any moment

Recovered 88.13% of the injected energy in Pulsotron-3

At test S3070 we used the ERC-08 Electric Recovery Coils and 88.13% of the net energy injected in the target was recovered. But the main scientist suffered an electric shock from the recovery capacitors,  then to increase the energy recovered, new security systems must be installed.

Test S3070 beating energy recovering record

At the test S3071 the coils were separated from target to reduce damage from reaction but the energy recovered decreased to half, that is still much higher than the last test campaign

We are happy because recovery 200% allows us to begin to sell commercial reactors.

In next tests, the recovered energy was 26.89% (test S3072), 22.5% (T3073) and 17.74% (T3074), but in last two tests the magnetic field was maintained during a long time at 7.36 and 4.91 Megateslas. It is due to fusion reactions generates an intense magnetic field. It is clear that the magnetic field is an important parameter not only before but also during and after fusion is performed.

In the last test the generated energy and magnetic field could go down due the ERC structure was blown away, so it will be difficult to repeat tests, especially the setup of the S3070 in the Pulsotron-3 reactor.

As can be seen in the graph below the electric generation sufered a step increase from <5% to over 20% after the introduction of the new ERCs that will be used in the next Fusion Reactor

Recovered energy in Pulsotron-3


Less energy recovered with new setup

In test 3068 we improved the connections between the capacitors to reduce its inductance, but as result the energy recovered falls to 14.29% and the magnetic field was 190 kiloteslas

Test S3071

Then we increased the capacitor bank a 50% to increase the energy recovered and as result in the test S3069 it was recovered 16.7% that is better but far from our record value 22.6%

Test S3069

New energy recovery record up to 22.6%

A new world record in energy recovery from a Fusion reactor at test S3068, was established in 22.6% without nuclear fuel, and it is expected to recover 10.6 times more loading targets with thermonuclear fuel, and there are still several technologies to improve that numbers, so there is a lot of room to obtain more energy recovery than injected. This is a good notice for a damaged Pulsotron-3 that works at 88.9% of nominal voltage.

S3068 energy recovery, Pulsotron-3
S3068 energy recovery, Pulsotron-3

Fortunately there are good news because we are waiting parts of the new Pulsotron-4 that is 6 times more powerful and have another improvements over Pulsotron-3. It is estimated that the Pulsotron-4 new fusion machine must enter in operation before 10th September

Test S3064 Pulsotron-3

Several breakdown again

It was made tests 3059 to 3063. In test 3059 it was tested new coils coiled around glass pipes, as expected they broke, as it happened before, but unfortunately, the obtained energy was very low, and also it was broke the support structure MAG-8, then the glass pipe coils are withdrawn. The laboratory got covered with glass pieces that had to be cleaned, but the MAG-8 was replaced by a copy and tests continued to increase the recovered energy a 50% more using the same coils than test 3054, but failed to obtain more energy. It was investigated at post-processing the data and it was discovered  a short cut in the high-speed video, so the discharged energy in the negative line of the capacitor decreased the stored energy to levels similar to recovered one in the record test 3054

The following tests had the same problem, it was detected that the short-circuited coils were overheated due to the intense current loss of the recovered energy, so we will solve in the next test campaign to obtain better energy return as long as we need to double the recovered energy to have electric energy ignition that would make Pulsotron reactors profitable

S3059 test, coils breakdown


Electromagnetic luminescence after high energy electromagnetic pulse

In test S3055 it was installed the repaired MAG-4 sensor and the new energy recovery coil REC-8. As a result, the energy recovered was 419% higher than in test S3049, but lower than in the last test, so some modifications from coils REC-4 to REC-8 must be reverted.

It was totally destroyed the MAG-4 sensor and could not be repaired again, so in the following tests magnetic field was not measured.

in test S3056 the coil was mounted around a pyrex glass. As a result, it was recovered 42% less energy. The recovery REC-6 was totally destroyed, also the pyrex glass coil was totally destroyed but in the high-speed video it was seen it emitted luminescence after the electromagnetic pulse was finished

It was tested using different storage of energy than using capacitors and new energy recovery coils in tests 3057 and 3058 but it generates high voltage but low current energy pulses so energy recovery is too difficult

Test S3056. EM Luminescence

Increased the Energy Recovery 497%

In order to check the setup for the next Pulsotron-4 fusion reactor, it was arranged the Pulsotron-4 switch launcher and electrodes at Pulsotron-3.  Also, it was installed the new Energy Recovery coil REC-4 and the new MAG-4 magnetic sensor with a wideband of 4.5 Gigahertz, but a 200MHz scope was used while the new 4GHz scope arrives. As a result, the energy recovery was increased a 497% over previous S3049 test.

It was destroyed the launcher finger and the magnetic sensor in three parts. The magnetic sensor could be repaired but not the launcher finger so tests stopped

Test S3054


Reached 5 mega tesla fields in tests 3052 & 3053 loaded with thermonuclear fuel


An unprecedented magnetic field was measured in both loaded tests:
At test 3052 it was measured 5.73 Megateslas and 41.74 Joules was recovered
At test 3053 it was measured 5.77 Megateslas and 50.07 Joules was recovered
In previous tests with the same setup using unloaded tests it was measured:
At test 3048 it was measured 98.2 Kiloteslas and 41.77 Joules was recovered
At test 3049 it was measured 81.0 Kiloteslas and 42.20 Joules was recovered
In the second loaded test it was detected an increase of the energy recovery of 18% with respect unloaded ones
Actually we know where the new magnetic field cames from and we will study how to be used in Miranda magnetic confinement reactors
The job will be focused on adapting the energy recovery coils to extract better the energy of fusion reactions products
The next two weeks new magnetic fields, recovery coils, and a new setup is building to be used in Pulsotron-3 and especially at the future Pulsotron-4 device