Pulsotron-3 damaged after high inrush transient

In order to check the parts after the high power ray received back during the last tests, it was dismounted and tested every capacitor to look if they work. Their capacity was right, but it is clear they can not withstand working at full power, so it was decreased the working voltage to 87% of the maximum
The Electric Energy recovery system was upgraded by increase the cross-section of the power lines ten times, also it was installed 50W slow discharging resistors instead of the old 5W ones.

The new energy recovery system

Also, it was designed a new electric recovery coil named “thunder chamber”
Tests number 3026 and 3027 were successful but in the high-speed camera, it was detected sparks leakages under two capacitors, so isolation must be improved.
The thunder chamber was severy damaged but withstood to both tests

Now we have to decide if repair the Pulsotron-3 or build a new Pulsotron, as long as we have a plan on the deck that uses extreme discharging capacitors in order to improve to ten times the injected power.

In another way, during the tests, the energy recovery system works well, it was installed differential probes to avoid error measuring voltages due to common-mode error due current load along the ground lines

Also, it was tested a new device that increases the discharging current 33 times and produces a reduction of discharging time to 20%. Obviously the magnetic field is increased 33 times and the magnetic compression the square of it.

Test number S3027

Electric generation setup blown

In this week’s tests, it was intended to improve the electric recovery setup by making some modifications to check the electromagnetic transmission of energy.

It installed a second DC-link capacitor but before connecting, it was shortened the length of wires and tested.

In the third test, the coupling was very good and an extremely high current was flown inside the DC-link capacitor blowing its wires and also a 47-kiloohm 5W resistance installed for slow discharge the DC-ling capacitor between tests, but the capacitor was discharged at the beginning.

Here is the photo of the blown resistance:

Resistor blew at DC-link capacitor

Capture made during test number S3023:


Capture made during test number S3024:

Test number S3024

It is clear that a new transmission line must be installed between the electric energy recovery coils and the dc-link capacitors

Electric Generation Test!

Yesterday we began the Electrical Generation tests.

To make them we had to pass Spanish Militar police controls due to the Covid quarantine.

it was a very productive day and 6 tests were performed and in the last one, a large capacitor was installed to load and measure the electromagnetic recovery energy of more than 300 volts. We were surprised about so high level values because a 2.2% of the energy was recovered using a small coil. It can be upgraded to recover 5 times more energy and more improvements we hope to recover a lot more
Some energy remains in the capacitor after the test but much lower because the energy was not rectified.
Electric energy recovery at a DC-link capacitor
From today, Pulsotron-3 is the first fusion reactor that recovers electric energy directly
In the photo, it was measured the remaining voltage at the capacitor.
As can be seen in the following capture photo the coils must withstand a huge blast and extreme temperatures but they survived.
Test number S3018

Also, it was made measurements of the generated magnetic field, but the sensor enclosure was dismantled and it had to be glued (it was unglued in order to have access to the sensor coils).

Now with the two oscilloscopes in parallel and energy recovery coil and all the sensors close to the target, there is very small space for new sensors