2021 March tests: Radiation losses reduced -93%!!!!

During March 2021 three test campaigns were performed making tests 4048 to 4051 using the fusion chamber ERC-39.

In the last test number 4051, it was read an average radiation measurement of 21.2 millivolts instead of 0.262 to 0.293mV measured in previous tests. The measurement is done using a broadband high-speed photodiode at a  50 ohms load. In order to avoid saturating the photodiode, a black body filter is inserted that reduces the energy received to 1/15000

Here is the plot result without loss reduction. It was used a 4GHz 12bit oscilloscope. Channel 1 corresponds to the photodiode sensor:

> S4050 test

And here is the plot corresponding to the famous S4051 test. Channel 2 and 3 are connected to two magnetic sensors capable to measure up to 100 kiloteslas:

The useful effect was advised the first time after processing the high-speed video sequences. As can be seen in the test S4050 a lot of energy is wasted. That does not happens in the $052 test: